sessions to get you out of the classroom

Our facilitated sessions run all year round on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays for both KS1 and KS2 (unless otherwise stated).
Sessions are designed to accommodate a single class (up to 34 children), or a split class.
All sessions can be adapted for SEND classes, please get in touch to discuss your class requirements.
Prices shown are subject to VAT

Nature Day

Bugs, Birds and Beeches, a menu of activities for full or half-day visits

  • Get stuck in with Bug hunts and Pond-dipping. Find out about the homes, habitats and life-cycles of some of our smallest residents – minibeasts!
  • Get your eye in on our Bird-watching Safari. Perfect at all times of year, discover our woodland and shoreline residents.
  • Get to know our oldest residents and find out all about our Tremendous Trees! What makes them grow, why do they change and how can they help us? Create some art to take home.

Curriculum Objectives: Living things and their habitats, life-cycles, food chains, classification of micro-organisms, plants and animals, plant structure and function, understanding of the local environment and landscapes. 

Each activity lasts 1 hour and can accommodate up to half a class.

Full day facilitated visits for a single class will split your class into 3 groups, with 2 activities in the morning and one in the afternoon, the bird-watching being self-led (equipment and trails provided) – £180

Morning only visits for a single class will include 2 facilitated activities of your choice, with the class split in half – £120

Tremendous Trees can accommodate a whole class and can run consecutively for up to 3 classes a day – £120/session

Pond-dipping is seasonal to the Spring and Summer terms, Bug hunts can take place all year round.

Maps & Measures

Get your bearings and explore some of our oldest residents!

KS1 – Use NSEW directions to find your way around the Country Park, record your journey with the treasures you find along the way and create your own compass to take home.

KS2 – Learn to use and make a compass, map your route and then assist us in our regular tree surveys by measuring their heights and calculating their ages. Can you figure out how old our veteran oak trees are?

Curriculum Objectives: Geographical vocabulary, direction, position and map co-ordinates and compass points, using fieldwork to observe, measure and record using a range of equipment, recording statistics, making estimations, sequencing events, magnetic forces.

KS1 1½ hour session for a whole class – £135

KS2 2 hour session for a whole class – £150

Woodland Wide Games

Get your class working as one with active team building and trust activities

Taking place in our woodlands and on the front lawn, this range of physical activities can be adapted to suit your class and will encourage trust, teamwork and problem solving. Activities can include our orienteering course and blindfold woodland line trail.

Curriculum Objectives: Broad range of physical activities, outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team, participate in team games developing simple tactics, movement combination, develop balance, agility and co-ordination. Lead healthy, active lives. Gross motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination, competitive and co-operative play.

1½ hour session for a whole class – £135

Nature Engineers

Teamwork, bushcraft and the natural world

Explore the habitats of Upton Country Park and find out what it takes for our wildlife to create their shelters. Then trial your own engineering skills in our Den building challenge, which will be fully tested against the elements! Raincoats essential!

Curriculum Objectives: Living things and their habitats, building and reinforcing structures, outdoor and adventurous activity challenges within a team, gross and fine motor skills.

1½ hour session for up to 15 pupils (half a class) – £82.50 (£165 for a whole class over 2 sessions)
KS2 only: 45 min session followed by Fire Pit (see below) for up to 15 pupils – 2 hours in total – £90 (£180 for a whole class over 2 sessions)

Fire Pit

KS2 only – Teamwork, bushcraft and the natural world

Learn the principles of creating fire in our Fire Circle plus the importance of how to, and why we should, protect our heathlands. Have a go at responsible fire making using materials foraged from the Park.

Curriculum Objectives: Fire triangle, understanding the local environment and landscapes, nature sciences, human impact and looking after the environment, outdoor and adventurous activity challenges within a team, health and safety, gross and fine motor skills.

1½ hour session for up to 15 pupils (half a class) – £82.50 (£165 for a whole class over 2 sessions)
1¼ hour session followed by Nature Engineers (see above) for up to 15 pupils – 2 hours in total – £90 (£180 for a whole class over 2 sessions)